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What's the opinion on these? Yes or Nay?

I tried a Exhale bag and it was horrible and more expensive than this so I never tried them again. To be honest the Exhale bag was probably spent while the Michigan Mushroom bag was extra fresh! I don't own a meter so I really don't know what they produced as far as co2. I tried this in a auto tent and they responded sufficiently that I purchased them again!

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Comments (4)
    •  I used the Exhale bags last grow and I saw a difference, I think my next investment is going to be a C02 system especially in the summer.

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      • CO2 isnt hard to produce! certainly those can work but theres no telling what they put out. If you ever know anyone who talks to their plants you will notice their grows kick ass. thats because just being and breathing or talking around your plants produces CO2

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        • How much C02 do they get if I say "Grow Mother Fkers" "Grow"? lol

          I see a new meter in my future and I do love the meters

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        • Haha grow ya sonsa batches

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