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And so it begins!

I decided awhile ago that I was going to make the switch to coco DTW system. Still a few items to show up and a couple more to order. I have at least another month before I get to set it up. Been doing a ton of reading and I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions when it gets rolling!✌🏼

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Comments (14)
    • k so this is an RDWC kit!?! from what i can see. hydroponics isnt anything to freak out on. its just like starting an aquarium! ph the water and you are good! keep it around 6ish


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      • Thanks Sub, it's actually just DTW. I'll be using the Flora Flex pot pro that drain to my sump pump since my tent sits right next to it. I'm going to use the hydro halos on a timer with the tote for my res.

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      • you will like the flora flex setup. i recycle back to the res. change the res once a week

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        • Thanks SD, what nutrient line do you use if I can ask? I'm struggling with all the choices. I'm going to use coco/perlite for my medium. 

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          • i use the flora flex nutrients really liked the way it turned out. i also added terpinator to it.

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          • here is mine set up for my last run

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            • I love that pic! I took some my inspiration from that one.

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              •  I am a bit confused, this will be a drain to waste with an auto feed right?

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                • Yes, using hydro Halo's.

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                  • Ok, that is what I use, the only down side is controlling the flow. Now I use 1/2 flow valve to restrict it a bit. This time I am just growing in one 10 gallon bag so I have a 12" and 6" halo ring to spread the mix out a bit. Unless you have a lot of salt in your water you really dont need much if any runoff IMO

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