All set for my next grow

2 0 0 0 0 0
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Comments (13)
    • those arent the 2 cu. feet Happy Frogs are they? 

      those are the smaller bags

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      • Not going to lie I thought I ordered the big bags but I was smoking when I ordered 

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      • I pay $21 for the 2 cuft bags at Farm Supply. I like to mix the two as well. 

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        • 21 bux is. Cheap!!!   Getting mine for 32, and that’s happy frog only

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        • Its outrageous not same hear $30 a bag of OF $100 in soil each grow plus perlite also not cheap anymore.

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          • Not reusing soil is extremely wasteful. If you have to start fresh each time, I think it would be better to do hydro.

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            • How is it wasteful doesnt it get recycled or repurposed, I dont think it goes to land fill but if it did wouldnt that be a good thing?

              0 0 0 0 0 0
            • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ......

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              Aperture: f/1.8
              Exposure time: 1000/10000s
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