Cresendo after a 4 month cure

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This is a Cresendo from Ethos, cured for 4 month is the bucket system, solid buds, great smoke and it still has a nice color. 

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Comments (14)
    • looks great how's the smoke on it?

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Its a nice mellow smoke,  perfect ash, mellow flavor and no throat burn, and the buzz is super mellow, nice for watching TV, sitting outside watching the sunset or staring at a fire kind of buzz,  but you could still read a book and focus with a little drifting 

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      • Now that's what's up!!!

        Great bag appeal! How about the smell?

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        • It’s a nice smell but it could always be stronger lol

          0 0 0 0 0 0
        • BEAUTIFUL NUG !!

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • Thanks

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          • outstanding CPW !!

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Thanks 

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            • rgeous color for 4 months! looks frsh as a daisy!

              it wouldnt look like that if you stored it in a mason jar, i am pretty sure

              tell me about your "bucket system"

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              • This is how I cure weed these days, I use both 5 gallon and 2 gallon buckets, I rarely have to use humidity packs and I never have to worry about light leaks.



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              Focal length: 51/10mm
              Aperture: f/1.6
              Exposure time: 1/30s
              ISO: 640