Clone pod

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  • 294
 ·   · 31 photos
Comments (6)
    • Those are for air layering...usually used on tree branches.

      I haven't heard of anyone using them on weed.

      If you try it, let us know how it works!

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      • I think SLB did some air layering on weed, he brought it up a few years ago but he didnt use any new fangled pots, he used plastic wrap if I remember correctly

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      • those are good for cloning stubborn plants and trees. You can also do it with a plastic bag and tin foil

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        • That would be a clean way to go about

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        • im gonna buy some of those for cloning some flowering crab apple trees in my yard and some other shrubs for next spring

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          • Make sure to read up on product before you buy, in case you change mind and make your own.

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