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Hey guys my name is nathan i am from ky and i am reaching out in hopes to get a little help starting my path i know im supposed to be on i have experience growing and i have the desire i just lack the resources and connestions to do anything worth being proud if i want to be growing some of the trees i seen on your profiles its awesome really i dream ot being able to grow like that so i mean no disrespect or seeking charity if one of you on here will send me a few seeds to get my self started i will be in your debt and i think im a pretty good person ill pay it back ten fold my hometown is tweekerville and i cant stand it help me help them and hopefully one of you reads this and can relate thank you guys i have faith in humanity still you can reach me at my email Nothappyaboutitbut@gmail and my adress is 54 main street fox bottom harold ky 41635 

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