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Plant size vs consumption.

This run I got my ass handed to me and lost by choice 3 out of 5 of Nirvanas LSD. of the 2 I kept one is struggling with what appears to be potasium deficiency. The other plant is a beast and is doing much better. I will post pic later. The 3 I chose not to keep had completely different pheno than the 2 I kept. the two kept got tall and large quickly will the others staid small and bushy. About week 5-6 started seeing signs of deficiency leaves got light and then brown and crunchy on tips like a potasium defeciency. I usually use 5 gal pots with OF soil but used 7 gal this time I usually dont feed them till week 4-5 in 5 gal so 7 should have gone a lot further. So here is my question.  Have you had a plant or plants much smaller in size consume more than plants dbl in size? They were still drinking so I dont believe nutrient lock out, all that was given was ph water and cal mag. 

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Replies (7)
    • hey Hulk! I observed something about consumption this run. I have one particularly large Nrthern Lights that was consuming lie a beast. in DWC you can easily see as much as a gallon a day consumption. very healthy, but i noticed by removing that by removing alot of leaf made it drink much less, thank god! hopefully this helps

      my grocer must think i drink ALOt of distilled water as i buy it by the gallon...

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      • I have to admit I was also being a little lazy this grow. Part of what makes growing fun is each plant is unique in its own way just have to listen to them. Thx Sub

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        • Most of mine fall into the unique category but I still can’t speak that language yet!  Lol

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        • Yup, if there are a lot of leaves, a plant will drink a lot more, and sweat a lot more. 

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          • After seeing your auto I don’t feel so bad only having 2 plants will just have to make the best of it. Thanks Dave

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          • You can do pretty damn good with 2 I'm sure. That one of mine was just a freak I think. Sometimes if they get stressed, they will respond by getting huge though...

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            • growing 8 plants from the same strain at time it's not rare i have some phenotypes that drink more or less 

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