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What's the best fertilizer throughout the life of cannabis?

Hi everyone, I'm new to this website and have read many of your posts. I've also seen your pics of your girls and I know I'm in the right spot for my questions. I have grown twice and I know I have a lot to learn. My question is what's the best fertilizer to use on my girls. I'm aware that different fertilizers are used at different stages of growth. The girls according to my calendar should be ready to harvest but they are not. They seem to be in slow motion. I'm using a fertilizer but my guess it's just not the right one. Any and all answers is greatly appreciated. Thank you all

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Replies (8)
    • It depends on your substrate...coco, peat blends, soil..ect TBS there's a lot of good ferts out there. For newer growers I would caution against over doin it with any ferts. Do your research and make a list . Don't fall for the all the hype. 10 different growers will use 10 different ferts. Check your PH, your water source too, that can make a big difference in availability of nutes. Some time tested ferts are Canna, Dynagrow, Advanced Nutes, General Hydro, Fox Farm...there's really toooooooo many to list !! Don't forget about mycos for your roots...very important ! GL

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      • I agree, and I think all nutrients are probably good its just learning how to dial them in that takes some trial and error. 

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      • I guess next your going to ask what is the best light to use, LOL. Actually thats easy, the Sun is the best but I wont see it again for a month or so up here in Maine. That's the expensive trial and error that always leaves me wondering if I made the right choice or not. I hate that.   

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        • Welcome to the portal! Hope you hang around a while and never hesitate to as questions or post comments! Both the guys above have great answers! Me personally I have always used fox farm trio but I am going to try advanced nutrients for my next grow. As for CPWs next potential question (it is a good one) I have had great grows using viparspectra leds but I just bought my first Mars. 

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          • Earthworm casting are good anytime. Nitrogen and calcium help young plants along with the boost to the soil biology.  I also like seaweed concentrated pretty much every feed,  and then some bloom inhanser toward the middle of bloom until you flush.

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            • Thanks for all the responses. I see that it's a trial and error kinda thing. To Texasbob I'm using Koscheal 2000W led grow lights. So far so good with this brand. I like the fact it has a built in fan which it doesn't get hot at all and a switch for veg and flower. I 'm using Foxfarm Bushdoctor Coco Loco in 7 gallon pots right now since It's winter here.


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              • I use coco loco too. It's great stuff! Make sure you keep your ph between 5.8 and 6.1 .

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                • Coco Loco is good stuff but like coco coir, dont let it dry out. It seems like Coco Loco has some nutrients in it, its great for seedlings and I dont add much Veg nutrients when use it

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