Comment to 'What's the best fertilizer throughout the life of cannabis? '
  • It depends on your substrate...coco, peat blends, soil..ect TBS there's a lot of good ferts out there. For newer growers I would caution against over doin it with any ferts. Do your research and make a list . Don't fall for the all the hype. 10 different growers will use 10 different ferts. Check your PH, your water source too, that can make a big difference in availability of nutes. Some time tested ferts are Canna, Dynagrow, Advanced Nutes, General Hydro, Fox Farm...there's really toooooooo many to list !! Don't forget about mycos for your roots...very important ! GL

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    • I agree, and I think all nutrients are probably good its just learning how to dial them in that takes some trial and error. 

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