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So I have over an ounce of kief saved up, and have seen many videos of it being pressed. Has anyone on here ever pressed kief before? How’d it turn out? Should I waste my time or should I just make hash?

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Replies (7)
    • I put mine in a cloth bag and warmed up a couple of 2x4's and pressed it in a vice. Primitive but it worked good . 

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      • I have a hot press, I’ve just never done it and don’t want to waste anything. Lol I’ve pressed the bud itself, but never the kief.

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      • Make pucks. If you have a puck maker go ahead and use a piece of parchment paper top and bottom to keep it from sticking to the metal. Cut your pucks to smaller size so each squeeze will give you more. You shouldn't have to have a bag.

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        • I like the idea of little at a time like the pucks you can always change your mind, that’s going to be some primo smoke 💨 for shore.

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          • i go with SBR, just get yourself a pollen press and make pucks, they are quite cheap (around 20$) and they last a lifetime

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            • There is a video showing a guy putting kief wrapped in parchment paper and then filling a jar with warm water and rolling the jar over it for a while and when he was done it looked like the blonde hash of my youth. I had to fast forward through the video it took longer than my attention span, when I tried it, same deal.

              I have a puck press and it works well but in the end I just started sprinkling Kief in a joint, cone or pipe, same deal only easier to work with. I did buy a rosin press that I hope to have time to try out this weekend on some kief. They say that is as good as RSO, I hope so because making that shit is a pain. 

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              • I have some RSO that I have been reluctant to try. (Kind of scared)

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