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Automatic watering

For those who do automatic watering, what timer do you use, and at what rate? 😁

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Replies (14)
    • i feed 3 times a day in coco with a multi timer

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      • this is the timers i use 

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        • That looks like the one I was using that crapped out.

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          • I've had great luck with mine so far.they are about 3 years old. i like them because the built in battery that keeps the settings if power goes off. or i can unplug it for days without issues.

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          • I feed 2-4 times a day depending on the plants, the timer I use is an old Century Digital Timer that only dials down multiples of 1 minute. I had a titan that could be timed for seconds after X  amount of time but it died after a couple of days. Now I adjust flow with the diverter and best guesses. 

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            • It can be a problem, the first time I blamed the timer not shutting off. A small hole slightly below the lid will vent the air so it cant siphon 

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              • The timer was the problem I think. They bring up a good point. I wasn't aware that siphoning could be the problem. 

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                • Most of the cheap pumps allow water to pass both ways when they are turned off. I watered 3 plants in 5 gallon bags of coco to find that out. It was messy

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                • There is a couple of places around the lid where air can escape the res.  Should the resevoir be on the same level as the plants or should it sit above floor level?

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                  • I'll double check and make sure that isn't the problem this time.

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