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u guys that have switched from HPS to LED did u have 2 adjust your nutes all so ???

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Replies (10)
    • I don’t think you’ll have to worry about it man.

      I’ve been running 3 grow tents for the last 4-5 years and 2 have always had led, the other one  is HPS but the nutrient requirements shouldn’t  have to be adjust, unless you change mediums or something like that.

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      • thanks for the come back i added 1ml  N back 2 the feeding c if it helps ....  yeah i waz telling booze this flowering i don't care for the BX i use the HP blend but they had none my last 2 visits thank u again ....

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      • i still use the same as i did with the hps if i start getting tip burn then i dial itback a little

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        • thanks dog yeah i have the tip burn normal 4 me but i am cing lower leaves go yellow so 1ml of N back to the feeding waiting 2 c if it waz a good move .....

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          • im in coco so im use to using extra n with it.i also i find if i don't defoliate enough my lower leave turn yellow from not getting enough light   

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            • this something like a scrog my first go at it don't think i will do again my back hip knees can not take it but then again u don't know what 2 morrow will bring .........   cry

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            • I didnt change much but I am always changing it up a bit. I did stop using Silica and it hasnt hurt anything that I can tell. 

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              • i have never used silica have wished a time or two that i had but i got over that ....

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                • Its good for their to help keep bugs away and it helps with nutrient absorption so if I grow this summer I will use it again, just be sure to add it first or it blocks all those nutrients its supposed to help absorb. 

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                  • Isn't  silica the main ingredient in glass? Glass has never done much for me.

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