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Stunted seedling

My auto seedling was having a hard time losing the shell , so i manualy took it off.

Only to see 2 normal looking cotyledons, and 2 very unformed serrated leaves. Its been 2 days , the serrated leaves arent growing much , maybe 5 micrometers, and they are brown at the very tip of the finger.

Do you think the plant will survive?

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Replies (9)
    • micrometers? 

      i can see the leaf being a bit deformed since they were trapped in a seed husk. if its only bee two days just go with it and dont overfeed it. thats all you can do

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      • I had not thought of it before but I bet its the claustrophobic seedlings that cut their own heads off with the shell just to get out or get it over with.  

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      • seems like every time i tryna pop some seeds their are always some that need help gettin outta their coat..lol....not sure why ya have some brown tips on those pointed leafs but you dont wanna use any nutes yet..not for a couple weeks at least...and dont tryna feed em to get em to grow..lotta times they look like they not doin anything, but the roots are growin and then at some point the plant will take off...also dont over water em at this point either..just water a lil away from the stem..so the roots will grow out toward the moisture..so GL

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        • he prolly means millimeaterz  lol ;)

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          • no i mean , 1/2 of a mm, so half milimeter just little dots kinda wrinkly not even looking serated.

            i dont use any nutes at all in my grows, just organic good potting soil and clean water.

            i dont like adding nutrients in any form, since its not worth it in my experience

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            • when it poped there was nothing basicaly just round leaves, and now there are 2 wrinkly dots, looks like shit

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              • All you can do is keep it warm and moist and give it some light. I had a few times where I had to help take the shell off and with my eyes it's a bitch! Give it a couple more days! Good luck! The guys above have great answers so just let it ride out!

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                • By brown dots do you mean the the first true leaves have dried up? If thats the case your seedling is done I would pop another one. But to expect different results from the same process is foolish, so figure out what may have gone wrong first.

                  Over watering will do that so will soil that is too hot for a seedling. I have the best luck using something inert for popping seedlings like rapid rooters, rock wool or just coco coir. If its a seed I have had for a while I will soak them over night in a shot glass of water and if the hulls are not coming off try raising the humidity 

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                  • it's growing roots...top side will start back up when it gets some roots established...

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