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Fast version

Good evening, hope everyone is well medicated tonight. I'm wondering if anyone has tried these fast version fems? They are supposed to finish a couple weeks early but with same quality and good yield. Claim to be photos even though they have about 10% ruderalis. I assume you can clone them too. 

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Replies (22)
    • Fast version fems. It's gettin crazy !!! It is interesting though ! Somebody's havin some fun creating these ! Where did you get these seeds ? Thanks

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      •  Chubs, howz the outdoor grow this year? Wetter than dogshit here...another weird year. 

        Well I like what I'm reading on them. I mean, 2 weeks is 2 weeks. I'd like to give it a shot but haven't ordered any yet. 

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      • Hey SBR, Formally L, what happened to Louis LOL. 

        I see the "fast versions" listed on breeders sites a lot, I kind of get the impression the Fast Versions are kind of half breed Autos, but I dont know. They do seem to be a step in the breeding process because they dont stay on the menu's long before the photoperiod V2's and the Autos show up.   

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        • Hey buddy, yeah since the new portal is going I decided to change my handle a little SanBoisLee is still in charge here though, lol! 

          Chas has some seeds. He's our guinea  pig on this one!😎

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        • Yep I been seeing them as well. Been wondering to. I know nothing about em tho.

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          • Yeah I don't either but it seems like all the breeders are making them. My biggest question is do they really finish two weeks faster?

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          • ive seen those on diff sites too..i have 5 GDP fast versions i got free last order from North Atlantic Seeds and i have a couple others from Delicious Seeds as wll..havnt tried any yet tho but when i do i will do some CS projects and prolly cross some too..see what happens with em...

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            • That's awesome! Grow a couple of them babies and tell us what's up. They are supposed to be potent and you can still veg them as long as you want. 

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • I think it was WC fields that said you can fool all of the people some of the  time and some of the people all of the time and that should be enough, 

                An LED sales person told me that story, LOL

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              • Wow! Never heard of them! I guess I need to crawl out from under my rock more often! Lol

                1 0 0 0 0 0
                • nuttin rong wif bein under a rock if ur smoking ur own killer budz     cool

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                  • Hehe, PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute and I'm a sucker for new weed stuff. 😁

                    1 0 0 0 0 0
                  • Can you buy ruderails? That’s the really small ones that look like all bud? And yes I know nothing about them 😳. Are they hard to grow? Talk to me people.  Guess I need to get my cannabis Bible out and see what it says but can’t remember ever seeing any for sale or if I even want to try them 😪🤔

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                    • Yes, you can buy it and what most are saying is that they put about 10% ruderalis in it.

                      Something new to get to get your money...I guess I'll pay, lol!

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                    • Thanks for the input y'all! I'd just like to try them and see what happens. We all know the sellers blow up their claims so they can sell their products but it looks interesting. I guess maybe buy 4 or 5 seeds and experiment. 

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                      • I do think they are a way to cover the cost of breeding and I dont see anything wrong with that

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                      • I wonder what us "fast" about them, flower time seems to be the same between Autos and Photos, actually it maybe a little longer for autos since the Veg time is up the to plant.

                        Hurry up and finish so we can dry you out, shove you in a jar and then grind you up into little changes and set you on fire isn't much of a motivator really

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                        • What I'm thinking is a lot of people veg outside, greenhouse, or t5 lights, then flower under expensive lights. And yes, this is probably not a big factor for the individual homegrowers but more for the commercial folks. 

                          0 0 0 0 0 0
                          • The only thing that drives people more than money is sex and with enough money, sex is a given. 

                            0 1 0 0 0 0
                            • surprised

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                            • I bet everyone on here hates all the genetic modifications they have done to our everyday produce, hell we got a couple of folks growing beautiful tomato's on here. So why do we want the that from our weed? Grow some autos, fill some jars then kick back and let weed grow at the rate that it wants too grow at. Of course I will be crying a river in 6 weeks when my outside plants are about to die from frostbite. Maine is a good place to grow berries, cows and lobster, weed, not so much. 

                              0 0 0 0 0 0
                              • @ SBR last years harvest was good . A little bud rot, but 

                                it is Missouri ! I'm only a year late..he.he.he

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