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Size of pots

This time i used pots of 6 litres of soil or less, plastic and "cloth" pots. Leaving aside these were autos, would bigger pots have provided a bigger yield? Is there some rule of thumb, some scientific chart/table to look at or something?

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Replies (5)
    •  The general rule, for soil, is the to use the biggest size you can fit.

      5 or 10 gallon pots/ bags are the most common sizes.

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      • bigger roots, bigger fruits

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        • With my luck.  With soil it really matters.  Size matters. It's like a battery, or any energy storage device, all organic nutrients have to be broken down buy the micoriza. The microbiom etc.  With hydro. I think I have seen big grows that use Rockwell cubes. It was an ebb and flow, or they flooded/ let it drain however fast they wanted and would flood like 6 to 8 times a day. But even those I think stack progressively larger cubes. And the food is like an insure for plants, with hydro.

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        • I would have used bigger size myself but since I kept reading pot size wouldnt be that important for autos I decided to leave it be this time around. But next time I will go back to about 20 litres, or even bigger. 


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          • Bigger ain't a bad thing ! Length of veg is more of a determining factor . 

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