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I have been trying several configurations to keep it all stable and this is what I ended up with.

The plants has about 24 celcius during daytime and usually dropping a little below 20 during the night. The fresh air intake is about 5+ celcius with high humidity, I take the fresh air in on top over the light. I ended up needing to heat up the whole room to about 23 to stop the "climate" in the tent and the room from going all crazy. 

What do you consider a lower temperature? 

    • i deal with about 70% humidity if i am lucky) in my room and 70s Fahrenheit, i would like things colder and lower humidity if i could get it. I feel that vegging plants like a bit of humidity and a good bit less when they go into flower


      Id love to hear other growers respond. Used to be that other weedportal members would respond but no one participates anymore

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      • I have the opposite issue I can’t get the humidity above 50-55% and in germ this is where I feel I loose progress I have to bag them which works awesome brings it over 80% BUT once the bag comes off (1-2 weeks) it goes to 50% no easing in and I haven’t been able to figure it out.

        Sub I wonder if growing DWC plays a roll in your humidity? You would not think so being covered but then again living in Florida never thought I could not get humidity over 50% so I’m lost

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        • I have a humidifier from earlier grows , didnt use it this time around. This time I had a dome on top of the seedlings just for the first few weeks. I say the dome was probably more effective than the humidifier

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