• 844
Discussions by ZUG
  •  · ZUG
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  •  · Seedling
  •  ·  559
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How long are seeds good for normally before they will no longer germinate? Are they good as packaged…
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  •  · They typically last about 10 years if there kept cool and dry, but could last longer if there stored…
  •  · ZUG
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  •  · Other
  •  ·  536
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I'm just gonna keep trying, and trying, and well trying, to continue reaching out to support or whoe…
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  •  · The Support at Nirvana has been second to none for my experiences.  
  •  · ZUG
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  •  · Seedling
  •  ·  464
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Should auto seedlings be start on a 24 hour light schedule or start righ out with 18/6 ?
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  •  · ZUG
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  •  · Lighting
  •  ·  405
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I've decided to take them off of 24 hours of lights and give them 6 hours of rest. Is it also a good…
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  •  · when the leaves flutter in the wind they suck in c02...which helps everything...
  •  ·  467
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Should I have placed something under my 3 gallon felt pots to create an air space underneath them fo…
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  •  · I germinate in paper towel put that in peat pellet when roots show their selves it goes in coco... c…
  •  ·  390
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I'm still trying to figure out why they are showing such a difference acress the board. 4 are pretty…
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  •  · Once you try coco you won’t go back to soil.