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Felt pots....

Should I have placed something under my 3 gallon felt pots to create an air space underneath them for ventilation?

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Replies (11)
    • I don't think so...but you don't want it sitting in run off...

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      • I prop mine up on a paver stone so that it doesn't retain moisture at the bottom. 

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        • I use these risers and a plant saucer under it just in case I have run off. I use the bags outside with nothing under them and the roots grow into the ground below the bags. 

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          • I have the the 3 gal felt pots under the SCROG in one big drain table so that all the overage drains right away, but I was wondering about them still sitting on the plastic and not getting air on the bottom. I like the paver stone idea:) I'm also thinking of trying the Coco Loco with the Ocean blend underneath that next round. Oh, oh! I think I'll put a 1" bed of round pee stone next time under the pots....Thoughts?

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          • I keep all my pots elevated on foam board cut into 10" square's.


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            • If you ever water to run off, it's a good idea to put something under the pots to raise them off the floor. 

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              • If you are speaking of a flood table that you have them in won't be a problem...what the other guys said is a good idea as well...I don't hand water I flood mine just to explain...

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                • I assume that you are just filling the flood try with water and letting them absorb the water from the bottom through the pots? I was wondering about that myself...

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                  • I assume that you are just filling the flood try with water and letting them absorb the water from the bottom through the pots? I was wondering about that myself...

                    Kinda I have a 30 gal. reservoir and I flood the table 2 times while lights are...(fabric pots and coco) The res is my nutrients, more than just water...


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                    • Ok. Thinking of going coco on this next grow. Do you go with the 3rd super soil on the bottom them 2/3rd coco on top? Also, how do you start the seedlings in coco? Solo cups first with a direct transplant into coco? Dirt and all?

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                    • I germinate in paper towel put that in peat pellet when roots show their selves it goes in coco...

                      coco with some recharge pearlite and Blended Biochar Compost and Soil Conditioner and Amendment, Includes Biochar, Worm Castings, and Mycorrhizal Fungi...

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