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I had that a few times I was told it's either to much or not enough PK phosphorus or potassium or at the last couple weeks some stains eat its own nitrogen outta the fan leaves

    • check this out may help u .....

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      • have u checked growweedeasy.com to plant problems ???

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        • This is classic nutrient lock out. Caused by too much fert in the root zone or the PH being way off. Here are some symptoms causing it. 

          • Elevated fertilizer levels can cause extreme leaf and shoot development, leading to fewer flowers and poor yields come harvest.
          • Excessive fertilizer can lead to stunted growth in some plants. 
          • Pale green and yellowing lower leaves are a sign that nitrogen levels are too high. 
          • Symptoms of magnesium toxicity may appear as bronzing on older leaves.
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