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Well guys I will be making a final harvest of my kush run.have cut n cured 10 oz so far.got lot of happy friends LMAO.got to do a clean up of the tent .I will be ordering my LED light for that tent.down with the HID.have decided to order the G8600 Spyder farmer bar light

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Comments (4)
    • The 8600 is a beast of a light, I think you will love it same as I do mine. She does get a little hot when cranked up to 100% I kept a fan on the driver but good thing for tent growers you can leave the driver outside of the tent. 

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      • The tops of the LED bars hit 46.8C (116.2F). The Spider Farmer driver hit a high temperature of 58.2C (136.8F)


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      • And for those who want a bit more info beside the heat lol... 

        Spider Farmer G8600 PAR & ePAR Test and Review : 

        Spider Farmer G8600 PAR & ePAR Test and Review - Coco For Cannabis

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        • This is what I do to dissipate heat. 3 fans on lights .one fan on driver. Temps 78f @80% on dimmer. Fyi I will probably never use 100% in this 4x4x6.5. To be honest it is too much light but I may want to upgrade to a 5x5, that was a big reason in my decision. FYI humidity helps with temps as well. I have noticed if i drop my rh to 45% the temps rise to 80f ,just something I noticed when my humidifier ran out of water. Now the coverage is awesome no dark and light spots when I check with my meter lol

          Keep your electronics as cool as you can for durability and better environment.

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