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Are those fireworks for me?

Counting down as the title says. For some may have witnessed how I struggled the past few years not being able to get through the very first week of seedling stage. Those very bitter days that have led to a bit of depression.. to now that looks something so sweet. Already having my eyes on my next run, and I hope we only go up from here. Jesse is without a doubt, truly back! 

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Comments (5)
    • This is start of week 8. I’m now at day 65 and less than 2 weeks to go. Just waiting to fully ripen

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      • Day 65 bloom. Vegged for almost 5 long months lol

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      • well that sure looks a lot better than the last time u posted a pic of ur issues u was havin...looks awesome Jesse! im sure you learned a lot..hope ur grows continue to improve!  GL

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        • I agree great job Jesse your grows keep getting better and better.

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          • Fantastic work there Jesse. We can accomplish anything If we don't give up! It takes as long as it takes sometimes

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