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Need your guys help please

Popped seeds mid October, closing in on 7-8 weeks veg around a week ago I gave them all 5ml of liquid seaweed it’s like .2..1,.1 very light it’s more like a supplement well it burnt the crap out of the 3 smaller plants. I have them in bigger pots this time 7 gal. This is breaking my heart never had an issue this bad before the 2 bigger plants took off and doing awesome the other 3 I can probably save but my thinking is the room they will take I can get more out of the 2 if spread out and veg a little bit more which they already are showing signs of pre flower so would like your opinion on what I should do haven’t given them anything but ph water since. Thanks

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Comments (13)
    • Just wanted to add the small plants are cinder blocks very short compared to other 2. Also the burnt ones I think are drinking obviously there not going to crush it but it’s not lockout bout 5-6 days before water needed where the others are 3-4 days 

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      • (personal opinion) If you are sure you can get more out of the 2 i would not waste my time and nutrients on the other plants and just go for those 2 and make the best possible outta those 2, and dont worry as even tho it can be hearthbreaking when something goes wrong do keep in mind its nature you play with + you are only human.

        We all know that normally you have all great plants so im sure its not your intention nor fault, those 3 plants just were to small, to weak or they just did not felt like it but dont blame it on yourself :)

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        • Thanks Jim I appreciate it. I have a lot of success and sometimes it doesn’t go your way. Maybe a hot batch of soil not sure I never gave them anything else besides water so this is the result of one dose of seaweed. I do think and noticed the three smaller plants were loosing pace quickly before my issue so maybe a blessing in disguise and they would have taken valuable space and produced light. 

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        • Dang dude I hate that :(

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          • It does bite the fat one. Thanks CF

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          • Put the plants that are hurtin in another room, or at the ends of your tent. As you suggested, work on makin the other plants stronger and bigger before flip. The sick plants won't yeild much unless they recover. Kelp should not burn plants like that . The healthier plants are awful dark in color. GL

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            • The soil is always high in nitrogen I haven’t even given them cal-mag yet nothing but one dose of seaweed it was 2 days later I seen symptoms it cannot be anything else it doesn’t make a lot of sense but they are def burnt. This sucks but one good thing is I have never grown less than 4 and up to 11 in a small space might surprise myself thanks Chubbs

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              • Agree

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              • last summer i had a couple OD that did that and i wasnt givin em hardly anything..so i kinda just left em alone and then one time i checked and they looked completely different..they was all doin just fine/..dunno what caused it

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                • I guess that’s the worst part I cannot confirm what caused it so I can’t learn from it I just calibrated ph pen, giving them water between 6.5 and 6.9 temps at 75 -77 lights on RH at 55% 65-70 lights out. At least in your case you can chalk it up to maybe deer pissed on the dirt. I am left scratching my head. 

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                  • I’d just chalker up to a weak seed.   And don’t feel to bad.  I’ve seen your grows, and there awesome.  Concentrate on the ones doing well.  I agree with chubby… move those to the corners.  I’m sure they’ll  give you a little something , but get the others  out front and center and ready for that flip!!   Good luck  !! 😊

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                    • I appreciate that Smiley, I wound up getting rid of the 3 and kept the 2 big ones. I’m not sure what it is but one of the two has yellowing leaves and the other is doing very well no yellowing nice spread with branches so I’m hopeful might just veg 10 weeks then flip and stack. 

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