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Rosin Pressing

I have not had the greatest luck with my Rosin press, I think the pressure down is good (cheater bar) but I am not sure what the ideal temps are. The only time I have had a good running press is when it was all keif but the trade off of smoking keif verses the loss of material when you heat and press didnt seem to be worth it to me. 

I gave my wife a few dabs on a piece of parchment paper she liked that and then she started breaking off pieces of the puck and putting them in her bong and she loves it. Then I came across an article about using the pucks to extract whats left and infuse it for gummies and butter and I had an Ah-Ha moment. I think I will give that a try this weekend

I freaking love this infuser, now they have one just for gummies, maybe Santa will bring me one, Santa is getting the most of it anyway

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Comments (3)
    • Cheater bar????   Holy shit!!!!  What'd you bolt the press to?

      Damn, Bro, shit's REAL at your house!  lmao

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      • Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will press some weed


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