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“Spore-y Buildup”

Can anyone tell me if those white spore-y buildup is a good or bad thing?

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Comments (10)
    • if it were me i would file 13 and start a new one and go 2 growweedeasy.com and get some answers on your problem's u seem 2 b having a tough time .... 

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      • to much moisture from over watering/misting ect with dome and ya get lotta issues IMO

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        • Shoulda used cinnamon.

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          • Yep, thats not a good thing. If your up for a challenge I would wipe that  crap off and hose it down with H202 after I popped another seed in a different pot, but I am kind of stupid that way

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            • And sorry for your loss

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            • there is some sprays that kills mold..i used some once..i think i have some left...had an issues once few yrs ago with some mold growing on the soil around plant in container

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