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Guess it's time to spread apart a little this grow is 4 Big Bud auto with one GDP Nirvana feminised growing.

Got these in 5 gal buckets with 6 inch black tops.  They started in rooter plugs I just drop the seed in their and kept water on bottom and all pooped nicely and turned out..they all have 1 to 2 air stones.  I have them under 2 HLG 100 I am about to add on I have another HLG 65 to add for now.  Trying not to use HID lighting for now.  I Def. Got great results with hid bit electric bill yikkkes.  Also the heat with mu 1000 watt high pressure sodium. Don't get me wrong I love it it's still going now.  But LED is more efficient for me.  So let's have a discussion on lighting for now. 

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Comments (3)
    • When I switched form 3000 Watts of HID to 1500 watts of LED my electric bill has not dropped a $1. 

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      • 1dollar lol not much lol I was just using 1000 watt but all my LEDs are HLGs and 100watt 3 of them so mine should go down a lot I am hoping.  

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      • Beautiful garden

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