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Stand up individual!

So today I received a very unexpected package from a member and just wanna say thank you very much! It's awesome to grow out strains made by other members! And members that know what they are doing!


My brother, after dinner tonight I'm gonna include some of your gems with my current grow and make ya proud.

Thanks again brother for your extreme generosity!

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Comments (4)
    • I Also Wanna Thank That Member As Well!!....My Itemz Came Today!! they all look in good shape!  will try em out in the Spring...Will stick a couple outside too...and maybe do some inside in a scrog later winter  ...so Thanks Member..He  Knows Who i am talking about  lol

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Was it LD CPW jk lol. 

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Nope, not me

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          • I wasn’t really meaning you CPW, I just thought it would be funny we’re that guy was offering seeds not to long ago and done all that.

            I swear, I was wondering when you’d see this lol.

            0 0 0 0 0 0
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