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Green Crack 8 weeks flower

Week 8 flower I took one pic of each plant planning on harvesting next week, one of the plants is a K2 see if you can tell which one.

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Comments (8)
    • Damn thing is a super model! Great job!

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      • Not sure about that TB much appreciated, but I definitely would not kick her out of my grinder..

        1 0 0 0 0 0
      • How was it to grow? Looks like it finished in a reasonable time like you hoped.

        Green Crack is on my list for next grow.

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        • Wish I would have increased my cal-mag and N feedings before the flip, also week two to week 4 at flip the stretch was unreal and why I wish I used more nitrogen, I also didn't use any silica and if I grew this strain again I would because of the stretch, I have had to tie almost every branch.

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          • Thanks for telling me that, the stretch in the RDWC can really ruin a grow if you dont know. Too much and they are into the lights and not enough is just bad too. I think I will try that one in coco first.

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            • That's in soil as well grown in rdwc system and she may just loose control but would definitely use silica.

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            • How do we find the other pictures? I dont like this part of the new WP, it keeps me from posting more photo's. Maybe its operator error

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              • It showed that I uploaded them but only one showed up, if you go to photos I dumped them in there and they all showed up but how do I play my little game? which is still on guess just click back and forth and guess whhich of the 6 is the K2

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