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Continuation of Recognize this strain

Ok.. this unknown strain is in its 2nd week of flowering. Can anyone tell me if this is a female? This is a close up of the plant. Thank you...

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Comments (12)
    • I agree with rbtasq...By 2 weeks of 12/12 should be able to tell...just got to know where to look.

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        • this is mostly a guess based on your pics and circumstances, but id be willing to bet its a male! Stay vigilant!

          Also im sure youve been told this before, but theres no way anyone could tell you which strain you have just by the pic! No big deal. Anyway, welcome to Weedportal!!

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          • My gut feeling tells me this is a male plant.. smh I am going to separate him and grow him in another room, just to make sure. I'll post some more pics..

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            • How did you post 3 photos in a response? 

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