New project- thanks for the inspiration WP
So we have a new project, like I don't have enough on my plate. Thankful I am interested in anything at all. Cancer will steal that from you piece by piece. So much thanks for everyone here.
Manifold anyone? Whoo hahaha (maniacal laugh)
· Texasbob
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Great looking start Mark! Cancer is a piece of you life that you cannot let take over. Do what you have to to keep it at bay but never stop living your life.
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· Texasbob
· Mark D
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Thankfully working around the gardens soothes the bumps.
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· Texasbob
In reply to
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Cancer is what got me growing weed in the first place.
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· Texasbob
· Mark D
glad you have a hobby you can enjoy. Sounds like you are in good spirits! Best of luck to you!
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· king
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my heart thoughts and prayers r with u i know first hand bout cancer my wife has it i c day to day what it does dam cancer !!!!!
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· king
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