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This is about Cal Mag also.

Has anyone else used Npk Industries Raw lineup of Cal Mag? Directions for use if you cannot read them say shake pouch to ensure contents are mixed well before use add 1/16 to 1/8 teaspoon per gallon apply as needed. This product has 9% nitrogen I don't want to be giving my plant that much extra nitrogen ,I did not have very good success with this product.  Has anyone else had success with this product?

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Comments (5)
    • good topic! Not all calmags are the same! i just recently switched from a 4-0-0 Advanced Nutrients calmag (with kelp and iron) to a General Hydroponics calmag with 1-0-0 to use in flower. the other one i will use in vegetation and for foliar spray

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      • General Hydroponics calmag is all i have used also.i use half tsp per gal.

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        • I use the botanicare  Cal/mag plus, its 2-0-0 and 1/2 the PPM of General Hydroponics. 

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          • That is 9% nitrate nitrogen which is a bit different and less harmful in flower. I am too stoned to remember right now but look in to it. 

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            • its coming back to me now, there is a protein based N that is good for plants regardless of veg or flower and a chemical N that can burn your plants, especially in flower

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