Cali Fresh Reservoirs

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Comments (4)
    • how long do you estimate you have to go till she finishes? They look topshelf. These are from clones right? Those are going to be some nice kabobs there

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      • Beautiful. Do you do any LST on them they look perfectly spread out?  

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        • I put these into 12/12 at the beginning of the year so  probably 4 or 5 more weeks. I tried to top/FIM each plant 3 times shooting for 8 tops

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          • Those are going to chunk up nicely. would be interesting to see them finish and how big those flowers will develop into. Those clones are badass! 

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          Focal length: 398/100mm
          Aperture: f/1.8
          Exposure time: 81/10000s
          ISO: 20