No close ups for yous but I study them closely every day with a jewellers lens and I have so far only seen a few amber on the sugar leaves.
But I am leaving for a week on the 1st of January, but no need to worry about harvesting yet, right?
· CakeFan1970
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Trichomes take a while to turn amber. give her two weeks. My sugar leaves are amber way before the calyx is.
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· CakeFan1970
· CakeFan1970
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I can see that the flowers have been bulking up. You are near the end but a few ways to go imo.
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· CakeFan1970
cant determine anything from this pic. need to see the pistills first and then of course the trichomes
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· Hulk
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Remind me what day your on now, I thought you said something like 83. Sometimes the plant will grow new pistols after plant is finished and ready to harvest. Colas are really impressive to see. Great job on this grow.
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· Hulk
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