Things are everywhere

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Comments (16)
    • I have bumped into a few of those dudes in my travels. Lol. I worry more about cotton mouths. Rattlers usually try to avoid people but cotton mouths will chase you. 

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      • we have them bad boys here 2 i killed the first timber rattler it waz huge i told him 2 leave ....  

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        • yea moccasin's/cotton mouths see them most of dogs have killed like 4 coral snakes in the last year.

          Honestly snakes don't bother me 2 times when we were kids was to catch snakes...I don't like spiders!! I have been messed up pretty bad from spiders several times...2 times by brown recluse.... 

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          • I have caught cotton mouths fishing with top water plug...

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          • Damn !!! That's a huge rattler ! Here in Missouri snakes are EVERYWHERE ! You almost expect to see a snake when you pick up anything that has been layin on the ground . I see 2-3 snakes every day. I recently bought a pistol that shoots 4/10 shells just for Copper head snakes. 

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            • i believe they call that a snake slayer ....

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              • say what a pistol that shoots 4/10 shells.....

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                • A Judge?

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                • u have huge balls brother ain't no way i would borrow Chubby441 pistol i have NO use for any snake NONE  !!  more power 2 U enjoy .....

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                  • that's going 2 b a nice bbq u can feed a lot with that !! 

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                  • thats an exceptionally large rattle snake! Theyre all over South Texas as you can imagine, but not that big!

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                    • @ Rick...yes it shoot both 410 and 45 cal. It's REAL rocky where I live so i'm leary of ping,ping,ping ricochet rabbit !

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                      • Lmao I remember ole ricochet rabbit... yea bullets ricocheting around is not cool lol

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