Infusing the good shit in the levo 2 with the help of some top shelf tequila!

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Comments (9)
    • One each cup of FUCTUP!!!

      Sounds like a "little dab'll do ya" kinda thing.  lol

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      • nice !!

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        • Got to get me one of those.

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          • How was this? Tequila is kind of an up buzz so I am wondering how the weed interfaces. Is that Patron Tequila? 

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            • Clase Azul Reposado Tequila

              0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Well Pipes, I just ordered one of those infusers. I hope it’s worth the money I just payed down. I really like scotch. (In my Ron Burgandy voice)

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              • Looks like you can make canna butter in there too

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                • I love this thing! Hopefully you bought the second pod. It's a must!

                  You can fit about 7 grams per pod 

                  And 7 grams of quality bud!

                  No smell during decarb and the infusion takes about 90 to 120 minutes but Chrystal clean!

                  And yep like cpw said it does butter too.

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                • Tequila. !! Count me in….   

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                  Focal length: 540/100mm
                  Aperture: f/1.8
                  Exposure time: 1/60s
                  ISO: 250