Chocolate Haze Cross is still stacking and bulking

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I am looking forward to growing this on inside, its a cross between a Fem Chocolate Haze from Royal Seeds and a Nirvana Super Silver Haze and Ethos Lemon OG Haze F4. Smells like a Kush

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Comments (6)
    • Yum!!!  That will be tasty.  Gotta love a haze.

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • It is looking good, I wish it looked like that a month ago though. I almost dumped this one becasue I didnt have room. The weed gods have rewarded me with this one

        0 0 0 0 0 0
      • That's a gem man! Very nicely done!

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • I am relly happy with this one, Damn thing is as tall as my garage so I may have to really spread it out to get a light over it. 

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        • healthy for sure.a plus if it tastes like a good kush

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • I agree but now I got to figure out why

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          Focal length: 51/10mm
          Aperture: f/1.6
          Exposure time: 1/60s
          ISO: 160