
  • 1559

Put your trim in the oven to decarboxilate (just google it 😆)

Melt your coconut oil, add your toasted weed and let simmer. There’s plenty of recipes out there and it’s really easy

Bud rot ruins everything bro! Luckily I was far enough along to salvage some

You just have to be extra careful, cut your losses and discard all moldy pieces. Once it starts it just keeps going. Every day for over a week I was tossing at least 1 bud a day. Luckily I was already at week 7 and managed to salvage some

Easy peasy coconut oil, beeswax, a little olive oil and vitamin e

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Well this is what’s left after the battle with mold. I had to bring them in and put under LEDs since the 12th of August. Lost I think it’s safe to say every big bud on every plant except for the lemon that I only vegged for 3 weeks. What would’ve been an 8 to 10 oz plant I’ll probably get maybe 4. All the bad shit aside this Lemon OG Haze is my favorite plant to grow. It’s a great strain for aching joints. I make salves and balms with the trim, and when you smoke some it just makes you feel warm and ache free. As you can see you get all colors of the rainbow and every time I’ve grown it I get the same results. 1 down 4 more different strains to trim.


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Unfortunately it’s been a wet August and bud rot is definitely happening. Keep your soil or medium dry as possible. Hold out as long as you can but definitely snip out the rotted buds. I lost half my crop. All the big buds will most likely be a loss but you can save a little if you’re close enough for harvest. And I’m harvesting a week or so early just so I can have some survive. Forget about making fat buds and just save as much as you can by keeping it dry and snipping out the bad shit. And the hard part is you have to look at every bud with a loop to make sure there’s no mold. Good luck! I pulled mine inside today to start the 2 day dark period and then chop chop

Can’t wait to see these girls in a couple of weeks!

Thanks king. Everything is working out so far

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