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Almost ready...

What part of the plant do you take your samples from when checking your trichomes ? I've been taking mine from higher sugar leafs . I'm starting to see some amber and smokey on the top side of the leaf but the bottom is loaded with smokey and clear . I wanna hit that fine line where the THC is at it's most potent and the CBD is at it's lowest .

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Replies (3)
    • Check your flower calyxes. They usually give the most accurate "reading" for trichs.

      5% amber, the rest milky, is about as far as you want them to go.

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      • What about red hairs ? 70 % ??

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        • I don’t believe you can gauge a plant’s maturity by the hairs. Some strains have yellowish to orange some red to brown and sometimes the plant can show symptoms of stress by producing more white hairs when rest is red. The tricomes will tell all.

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