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Seedlings look like they might be flowering

I have been growing for about 7 years now without any real issues.  This year a few blue dream and Somango Xxl seedlings look like they are flowering.  They are about 16-18 inches in height now.  We did have about 10 days of overcast.  They plants were in an outdoor greenhouse with no artificial lighting.  Could this be the issue ?  Should I clip the top or let it continue to grow ?  I did attach a picture.  The seedlings are about 5-6 weeks now.

Any information or help would be appreciated.  Thank you. 

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Replies (14)
    • yes this one is starting to flower...is it a auto? or Feminized photo period?

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      • The two are auto.  

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        • Auto's are like that.. its why they call em Auto's...they usually start to flower in 2 to 3 weeks from seed and stay shorter usually...dont go cuttin off the top, that will just cut down on your yield...next time if ya want bigger plants, order Fem seeds  GL

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        • Is it worth just ordering new seeds, clip flowers off or just let it continue to grow?

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • letter grow...lol

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • I would do both to be safe. 

              Why did you go with an Autoflower? 

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            • Prune the top off .

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • That would be a tempting idea.

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              • i'm with chas let it grow!

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                • I would keep feeding it grow nutes on a 18/6 light schedule and then start feeding bloom nutes in about 3-4 weeks. Autos are not too smart, if you dont tell them they are in flower I dont think they will know and they will just keep on stretching 

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                  • Thank you everyone.  It sounds like the majority is to leave it, feed it and a little more light.  These two I have grown many times before and had used same planting schedule without this issue.  The pic attached is the Blue Dream in the middle of July last year.  They did Great.  Grew 8-9 feet with a great harvest.  I might order another set as a backup if these don't do well.

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                    • Holy chit!!!

                      0 0 0 0 0 0
                      • Nice plant. 

                        Rumor has it that the unstable genes in an auto make them almost impossible to predict. I may have started that rumor so take it for face value. 

                        0 0 0 0 0 0
                        • So those monster outside plants are autos? Never seen an auto that big...

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