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Is there a way to keep keif from sticking to plastic?

So I have been making prerolled cones for a while so I am ready to blaze up in case of emergency, like getting home from work etc. and I have been using a bump box and it works ok but to make it work better and fill the cones full length the grind is a little finer than I usually use. To make sure its ground to the right size I started using a strainer to make sure its all ground fine enough. It works well but I want that keif that left in the bowl after I sift it. 

Any suggestions on how to make it slide out easily, something it wont stick too? Teflon coating maybe? I could wash it out with alcohol and strain it through a bubble hash bag but I would prefer not too. Almost all suggestions will be welcome  

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Replies (5)
    • I don't know dude that's a toughy, that shit sticks to everything

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      • Thanks, yes it does, who wants sticky weed? Everyone lol. Started thinking about using alcohol and I bet that will dissolve them so maybe cold water. 

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      • A paint brush will help sweep it out so to speak, duh

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        • Try freezing the bowl first, then use CPW's paintbrush.

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          • Its in the freezer now, thanks 

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