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Monster Cropping and Re-vegging Then Making Fem Seeds

I took some clones from a Pineapple Express in the 1st week of flower, bud sites have white pistils, to CS the clones and make fem seeds. Question is will re-vegging make the clones at all different from the mother? Its still the same DNA right?

Stan would know

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Replies (8)
    • So you're asking the clones to not only reveg, but produce roots and seed at the same time ? Got to admire your balls CPW...not sure anybody on WP knows this answer. GL !!

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      • Been there done that and after they root and re-veg the clones from the monster cropped plant seemed the same as the original mother plant but I never had any kind of testing done. I suppose my wife will be the judge. If she thinks they different then they are damn well different and no report from any lab will change that, lol 

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      • CPW  i think it's the same since your not introducing any new dna. aren't they going to be the same dna then? reveg is hormones and growth regrowth maybe some environmental stressors introduced but should come out like the parent bred on itself. 

        sorry sounds like good fun though

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        • I think your right, but I do wonder what controls the shape of the leaves, its not DNA I dont think because they sure do change and then change back. Its a trip to watch

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        • stan is like a cop...ones never around when ya need one...hahah

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          • Thats ok I need cops about as often as I need Stan

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          • Soooo, you're Monster cropping.

            THEN CS'ing for seeds? Or at the same time?

            If at the same time, I'd worry the added stress could bring a hermie.

            If not, once they get past the ugly stage, yeah, same as the Mother plant.

            Probably bushier, but otherwise the same.

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            • I will CS for seeds after the re-veg is finished, I am not sure you can do both at the same time. I usually start the CS a week or more before I flip to flower and I wouldnt have a clue on when that would be with a re-veg. Re-veg's are bushier for sure but the few I have tried to re-flower kind of sucked especially when it came to trimming. The stems remind me of trying to split firewood from a Locust tree that was in a tornado early in its life.   

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