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I have noticed for awhile not that if I water first thing in the morning giving the plants 12 hrs of light the leaves will droop all day till next. If I water late at night say at midnight 3 hrs later my light is on but the leaves will not droop. Why is this and what’s happening in the plant? I always wondered this. Any thoughts?

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Replies (8)
    • My understanding is that the water doesn't allow oxygen in the soil, so it takes a while before dry enough to receive  oxygen . I am probably wrong It makes since to me since water is denser than air. I don't know if bottom watering does the same. Mine have always done it. It is like you suffocate the plant to feed it or the soil. Just my guess. I know when they rebound they like it! I could be wrong, I have never researched much on it. 

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      • Hey Cake you are right for sure I just wonder why that time is so different from day and night watering 3 hours vs almost 24. This is based on what the leaves are doing. Droop all day and night if I feed first thing when lights com on before the plant perks up but if I water/feed 3 hours before the lights come there is no droopage it’s so weird to me.

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        • I remember when I first started this use to worry me cause you read and hear about overwatering. I use to poke holes in the soil trying not to damage roots and she bounced back, but now I don't worry. The crazy things we use to do lol

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          • For sure we all did that I think. I like your take on the plant processing light and sugar perhaps and less going on when sleeping more of a curiosity thang thanks man

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          • I'm just going to make some shit up to see if it sticks so let me know what you think. When the light is on your plants are in a production cycle, processing food producing chlorophyll and hydration so the plant is in an active cycle. When you water during this time the plant draws moisture into the leaves more efficiently weighing down the leaves causing them to droop. When you water after dark the uptake of moisture is slower so when the lights come on the plant has already processed the excess water. Sounds good to me but I really don't know. Lol

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            • Chicken dinner TB I love it. I want sure how to search this online aka lazy so wanted to know what you guys thought. That is way better than what I can come up with but makes perfect sense. 

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            • Sorry I meant to put TB was the correct one, but you are over watering them if they droop after you water regardless of the time.

              they are supposed to droop after the lights turn off though, we’re they go into rest mode.

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              • Hey Joshua yeah I agree I should have mentioned though both instances I used exactly the same amount of water 1 gal, and probably a little of me over thinking, starting to hurt. Haha

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