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Outside grow/temps

Okay question: outside grow in South. Temps getting low 60’s days, 30’s nights. Have two girls that are milky but no amber yet. Take up or leave and 🤞🏼

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Replies (10)
    • already...dang 30s purdy dang low...I'll take some of that...Ima let the OD pros answer this one...You made it this far whatever you decide You should have a successful grow...good luck...

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      • Only with your help Mr Rick and it was greatly appreciated 

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      • Really, if they are milky you can take them out. I'm expecting frost Wednesday morning so I'm harvesting and trying to move some under a shed.  I would cover those that you want to go a little longer. A sheet is usually enough because you still have warm ground temps. Depends how cold. Upper 30s no problem. I will make my call Tuesday as to what I'm going to do. 

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        • Same here this cold snap supposed to happen Wednesday so you and I must be close. Good advice I’m going to leave as long as I can as these two plants were about two weeks behind all my other girls.

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        • Damn whats up with the weather? Our lowest next week is predicted to be 35° and I am in Maine. We do have rain perdicted and at 35 degrees that may be snow by the time it hits the ground. I think I am going to build a lean too shelter next to the exhaust outlet from my grow room.

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          • What strains are the ones with MIlky trics? I am not one for a whole lot of Amber and most Indica's suit me fine if they are all cloudy with maybe a little amber

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            • Periwinkle Pie and B52. 

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            • "Periwinkle Pie" that's too frickin funny !!!!  SBR knows what he's talkin about. For me, I kinda assess each plant that's still growin when temps go low. Make sure to take advantage of these last few sunny days !!! Some get chopped and some I try to keep growin. Like SBR said, you can cover them up with all sorts of stuff to keep them from frost damage. For the plants health, there's a BIG difference between 35 degrees and 25 degrees.  Good luck . 

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              • i have a pack of "periwinkle pie" from GPS in my collection..havnt tried it yet

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              • My first Periwinkle Pie I will let you know when it cures.

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