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Foliar dressing

Greetings to all! Good health! 

Please tell me how to apply fertilizers on the leaf correctly? More precisely, when is it right to do this, when the light is turned on or when the light is out? I want to try a stimulant like "delta 9" cannabiogen. The description says that you need to apply a spray to the leaves. What's the right way to do it? 

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Replies (10)
    • Lights on..mist with spray bottle...Spray underside of leaves as well as top side...In vegetative stage...

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      • i agree with spraying under the leaf but lights on???


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        • when you feed do you feed when the lights are off?

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        • The best time to spray your plant is in the morning or at dusk. Middle of the day is a big no no, you’ll burn the leafs up doin that.

          and do not spray the plant during flower, the only time you do that is when your trying to make seeds.

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          • outside..........

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            • and do not spray the plant during flower

              That's why I said in vegetative stage...

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              • Your going to be in flower eventually man, at least I hope. 

                Also You should have been able to get everything you needed to know from what I said. That’s how it was first explained to me and I knew what they meant.




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              • I used to foliar feed in the morning when the lights come on but after a few cases of PM I started foliar feeding when the lights are out and I foliar feed up to 2 weeks after the flip. I use kelp in my foliar feeding mix and only do it once a week but I dont want to stain my little white curlies when the pop out




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                • Thanks, it dispelled my speculations and doubts) 

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                  • The unfortunate thing about foliar feeding is you shouldnt do it when the plants would benefit from it the most and nobody wants a bud that tastes like kelp. 

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