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Question sur les variétés nirvana

Bonjour je voudrai savoir si vous comptez remettre en vente la variété venus flytrap qui est pour moi la meilleure variété de cannabis que j'ai jamais cultiver. Pourquoi l avez vous supprimez de votre catalogue ?je grow depuis les années 2000..  Elle surpasse de loin la plupart des variétés actuel. Cordialement nirvana 

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Replies (6)
    • Excellent question. 

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      • They are asking if anyone has or knows where to find the strain Venus Flytrap, it was a favorite strain from old nirvana if I translated that close.  Also why was it discontinued from nirvana?  Where is Jim when you need him?  LOL

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        • Lol also jim has to sleep and do other stuff :P

          We discontinued the strain because there was not enough enthusiasm and we diddnt sell enough to continue with it.

          Seedsman still sells them btw.

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          • Sleep....Ha


            Thanks for what you do Jim!!  

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            • Jim sleep is over rated ~~~~~~~

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              • I still have 2 seeds from before they discontinued them and the ones Seedsman sells are not the same as the Nirvana strain at least not the same as the other 3 I grew. 

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