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germination of seed in jiffy

Hello everyone

for the first time i decided to germinate using jiffy

now the seller told me use a sprayer i tried my best to clean the bottle of window cleaner

but now i checked at the morning nothing seems to be changed but smell of the  chemicals should

i quickly get the seeds out and place just in wet towel or they will be fine?

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Replies (12)
    • i have used the jiffy starter plugs 4 as long as i have been growing ....  tried the paper towel once it sucked 4 me never a problem with the plugs .....

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      • yeah bro but the thing is it sold with sort of dome and the seller told me like its a waste to buy a sprayer just clean other product spayer so did that for like 15 min i washed with cold water a sprayer and then i sprayed the dome with water inside it didnt do bubbles but it smelled like that window clean liquid can it kill the seedlings should i run quickly and put them in paper towel instant idk how seeds will react to those chemicals..

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        • it either had super bad smell of that shit and those cubes soak everything as i know so far should i get seeds out of them and place them instant into wet pepper towel

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          • i rehydrate the cubes squeeze access water out u wont it 2 b moist not wet then put a dome over them and put them under some t5s in a day or 2 u will have a new baby.... i don't spray with any thing if it smells bad remove the seeds and start over check and c if it has germinated first ...

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          • thanks bro.. ill do it i guess ill use water papper instant

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            • once u get the hang of it's all most as easy as falling down ...........  LOL  cool 

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            • hey brotha! good to see ya! window cleaner is mostly ammonia so its high in pH. get a clean spray bottle at walmart or home depot just for misting your plants. when i use a dome i mist all the plants down, then the top inside of the dome and keep it closed. you want that humidity!!

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              • this is jiffy starter plugs no paper towel here ......

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                • Saving $2 on a spray bottle and risking a $10 seed is not frugal. Go to the Dollar Store, Walmart, Lowes, etc and buy a couple of spray bottles. 

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                  • Do over !!! Rinse seeds and go the PT method. GL

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                    • i have always used the paper towel method and have only had one seed not sprout. and that was a bag seed found in some my friend gave me.it could of been from a hermi. im not sure but its the only one so far. nock on wood.lol

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                      •  I use jiffy pellets after I germinate them in a paper towel then stick em in a jiffy pellet

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