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Fabric pots

For you folks that use them, do you ever clean and reuse your fabric pots?

I’ve been using new one every grow and they’re getting pretty spendy around here, if you can even find them…

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Replies (9)
    • I do occasionally clean em... The best way I found to clean them is with my pressure washer... 

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      • Oh yes I reuse for sure I boil them in a crock pot it opens up the fibers and cleans it like new. Once in awhile I get new if design is better or different size

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        • They are less than $2.00 a piece on Amazon...

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          • Wow, that’s cheap!  Have you used them?

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            • its all I use...I really don't care what brand...

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              • Thanks, I know where I’m getting mine now.

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                • I use the same as Rick, I have cleaned them but for me its not worth the effort when I can buy them by the dozen. Another cool thing about the bags is you can start a plant in a small bag and then put that bag in a larger bag and the roots grow threw the smaller bag. No transplant shock

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                  • I have never cleaned mine, heck, never really thought about it. You can pick them up so cheap I just order them. I have used them over before but didn't clean them before hand. Too lazy I guess. Lol

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                    • Now don't get me wrong I don't do it every time I use them...  :)

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