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Uprising grow

Has anyone used a product called uprising grow made buy roots organic, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UTON4C8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_MSE7AZQMH7ZGNB8QQZR5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

If so how was it?

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Replies (6)
    • never tried it but if you do let us know how it does

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      • Since they dont say whats in it I would steer clear of it.

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        • never run across that brand. i like to stick with the more name brand nutes. Foxfarms, Advanced nutreints, General Hydroponics or Canna. Thats not to say theyre bad. Its all just NPK (with micro-nutes)

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          • are you talking about "Roots" nutrients line (liquid/dry) ??

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              • Looks legit, with no awful reviews. Nothing bad on the net about their stuff. If you get it, test it out on a plant and see how it goes before going all out. just my two cents. 

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