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Does Seed Production Really Lower THC and By How Much?

Why is there no Breeding Category? Anyway, I have seeds in weed in the past and it was still great smoke, when was the last time someone did a real comparison on how seed production effects THC production? I remember when Sinsemilla hit the market in KY and it was no doubt miles ahead of the  seeded bud but that was 40 years ago and weed has changed a lot in that time. Wouldn't it be funny to find out that's another myth like like you cant top Autoflowers, or even better if the seeded bud only dropped a point when it make seeds. I have a small tent now for breeding so I may find out. 

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Replies (9)
    • I don't think it's a myth...once they start to seed most the energy will go to producing those babies...@ that point it has 2 things going on not just 1... 

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      • I honestly have no idea but I smoked a lot of buds with plenty of seeds in it back in the day. What you say makes sense though, most people cant multitask so its a lot to ask of a plant. However, the plants produce terpenes and oils when they are stressed and protecting themselves and generally speaking there is nothing more stressed and protective that a mother in most cases.



        On Fridays I empty all the roaches from the week and roll them leftovers into a cone with a little keif. I am all about tradition you know

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      • with leaf vegetables like lettuce and greens, when they get old or stressed they start to bolt. the plant will divert its energy into flowering, making seeds and preserving the next generation instead of producing good vegetation and the lettuce will turn bitter. ..I learned that the hard way this year

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        • Pregnant and bitter. Nah too easy and dangerous. LOL

          Now that you mention it seedless grapes do taste better though


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        • red seedless grapes yummy

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          • when i make seeds i only use one or two limbs , and those limbs making seeds do seem to be lower THC...cos i smoke those separate from the others that didnt make the seeds and those parts are way better so...but by how much % i couldnt  say..lol

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            • I don't agree with the less potent. Less yield yes. 
              But it’s  just a pain in the ass cleaning the weed to smoke a bone 

              I can remember back in the day ,smoking a bone while driving and that shit would pop and that’s when i wore polyester pants you would have burned holes everywhere was always a dead giveaway that you smoked pot am sure some of you can relate 

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                • BIG TIME !!! Seed production uses a lot of energy that would go the bud production otherwise. 

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