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Foliar spray ph?

For all you foliar feeders what ph do you use and if you want to share what you feed? feel free to share.

I use a mix of: seaweed extract,  Epsom salt,  and calcium.  Only during veg and this mix can build a little bit of a film so you can alternate with regular p.h.ed water 6.5- 5.5, this is also the range for my foliar spray. 

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Replies (8)
    • i mainly use foliar sprays for when im doing clones to mist the leaf. I like the Advanced Nutrients Calmag with 4-0-0 for that and it has kelp in it as well. GH Florolicious Plus is another good product for foliar and i use it when i have it but the stuff seems to be scarce these last few months

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      • Yes I  too have noticed stuff being "scarce ".

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        • They split it into a Grow & Bloom mix so they may be running out of the plus, why sell one to do the job when you can sell two?

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        • I use CalCarb, on my clones. 

          The label doesn't specify a ph, so I just keep it around 6.6-6.8, for better Calcium absorption.

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          • That is about the same range I use but I add stuff to it, cal/mag or Epsom Salt, kelp, amino acids, etc. basically the same stuff that is in Flourilicious Plus. I do like that cal/carb from Xtreme, except the white specks of cal it leaves.. 

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          • Do we know for sure if PH matters in a foliar spray? PH is important for the roots to collect the nutrients and use them but I dont think it matters once it gets to the leaves does it?  

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            • unless its acidic i dont think it matters much

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              • Thats what I am thinking

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