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Opened my tent this morning and found three spider webs......spent the next hour tracking down the little bastard......GANDALF STYLED ITS ASS.....YOUUUUU SHALLL NOTTT PASSSSS!

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Replies (5)
    • Gave it the wakeeki sneaki between the cheeki 

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      •  Unless they're in my way, I leave spiders alone if I find them in the grow area.

        I figure they can only help with bugs.

        My OD plants have at least one spider per plant, on patrol.

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          • if there r spider mites he must have them bad 2 c them and not really looking 4 them they r so dang little i remember one time i had them really bad not again !!!!

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          • three spier webs?? thats alot of spider webs or the beginning of a spider mite infestation

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